Liposomal delivery significantly enhances absorption. A liposomal liquid delivery system allows for flexible, convenient dosing of Melatonin in order to address individual requirements. Liposomal technology helps to maintain the health benefits of Melatonin by protecting it from the degradative environment of the stomach. This is especially beneficial for patients who have had gastric bypass or general gastro-intestinal dysfunction.* Liposomal encapsulation of ingredients represents a new delivery system that appears to offer important advantages over existing methods of delivery.*
A dietary supplement that promotes resilient homeostasis, deep restful sleep, provides pivotal support for core immune functions and balance, stimulates vital internal cell production of glutathione, and provides for enhanced repair after assorted types of radiation exposure.*
The level of melatonin produced by the body is heavily influenced by sunlight, sleep and artificial light. At night, the secretion of melatonin is much higher than during the day. When this process is interrupted, certain symptoms can occur such as: (a) disruptions in the sleep/wake cycle, (b) headaches, (c) mental and physical fatigue and (d) irritability.*
Melatonin levels decline as we age by as much as 90% by age 45.*
Low levels of melatonin could result in poor sleep patterns, low mood, delayed sleep phase syndrome, insomnia. It is associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, irritability, learning disorders, poor concentration, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), menstrual disturbances and headaches.*
Recommended for:
Auto-immune dysfunction*
Promoting enhanced immune functions*
Insomnia and poor sleep patterns*
Overcoming restless, disturbed sleeping patterns*
Reversing long-term states of Exhaustion*
Promoting healthful recovery from habitual exposures to non-ionizing radiation (i.e., stressful EMF exposures - e.g., cell phones, microwaves, WiFi, computers, etc.) *
Helps neutralize and promote healthy recovery from ionizing radiation exposure (i.e., diagnostic X-Rays, radon exposure, etc.)*
Optimizing antioxidant (Nrf2) and Immune system functions*
Balancing circadian rhythms (promotes recovery from jet-lag, reducing stresses associated with working under artificial lighting, and rotating shift work).*
Fortifies mood well-being, mental alacrity and stability.*
What is Melatonin?
Melatonin is the principle hormone produced and secreted by the brain’s pineal gland. As a hormone, melatonin's wide-spread effects are comprehensive, and perhaps most intriguingly include (1) regulation over genetic regenerative repair. Two other most important upstream functions are (2) melatonin's command and control over the body's biological clock, known as the circadian rhythm. More on this below. The third most important upstream function is that melatonin serves as (3) the chief determinant over the production of vital intracellular production of glutathione. Intracellular levels of glutathione control the balance and proper regulation of TH-1 verses TH-2 immune cells, which play central roles in many autoimmune diseases.*
Very important downstream functions that are heavily influenced and regulated by the above, are melatonin's ceaseless regulation of the (4) endocrine system and (5) many metabolic pathways, plus its ability to (6) chelate and excrete deeply ingrained body stores of heavy metals such as mercury. For this reason, Melatonin is often given with NanoZeolite MD.*
Why else is it important to supplement with Melatonin?
Melatonin serves an unsurpassed role to check, balance and repair insults from radiation exposure, both ionizing as well as non-ionizing.*
Sleep Quality and Circadian Rhythm
It turns out that all body functions and homeostasis is under the powerful influence of an internal clock referred to as our circadian rhythm. More specifically, the circadian rhythm refers to time-sensitive and seasonal-sensitive variations to cell physiology. Darkness stimulates the release of melatonin and light suppresses its activity. Normal melatonin cycles and circadian rhythm are disrupted when we are exposed to excessive light in the evening or too little natural light during the daytime.*
The master pacemaker of the circadian rhythm is the suprachiasmatic nucleus that receives the information from environmental cues and communicates the timing information to the peripheral clocks in every cell, every tissue and every organ through the endocrine and autonomic nervous system. Desynchronization of these rhythms and disease is now pervasive in our society, given exposure to light at night and disruptive sleep schedules.*
Therefore, a proper circadian rhythm is the foundation to all states of physical health, all metabolic pathways, and all states of mental well-being.*
In a very real sense, melatonin "synchronizes" sleep/wake cycles, food intake habits, and hormone cycles to the 24 hour daily period.*
For example, decades of research shows that sleeping 8 solid hours without waking is critical to human health. As our body sustains trillions of molecular injuries and mutations daily, continuous 8 hours of sleep is essential for complete repair.
During continuous sleep, the body also recovers and recharges organ systems including the immune system, adrenals, and cellular metabolism.*
Losing weight, defending ourselves from microorganism and managing rogue cell cycles are severely compromised when sleep is disturbed.*
Melatonin plays an important role to both induce good restful sleep as well as to awaken us in a timely manner in good spirits.*
Melatonin supports sleep onset and quality of sleep and increased Rapid Eye Movement time, deep sleep and dreaming.* These changes demonstrate better quality sleep, which produces greater mental, physical and emotional rejuvenation.*
Melatonin can decrease the amount of time required to fall asleep, increase the number of sleeping hours and support daytime alertness.*
Jet Lag and Rotating Shift Work
Jet lag and rotating shift work can interfere with the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Melatonin supports quality sleep and balanced circadian rhythms in people with disrupted circadian rhythms (such as those suffering from jet lag or poor vision or those who work the night shift) and those with low melatonin levels (such as some elderly). Taking just 3mg of Melatonin at bedtime may reduce the stress and help re-establish the natural circadian rhythms when confronting these conditions.*
Menopause Support
Melatonin is also one of the hormones that controls the timing and release of female reproductive hormones. It helps determine when menstruation begins, the frequency and duration of menstrual cycles, and when menopause begins. It’s a powerful regulator of sex hormone production and can effect mood, immunity, reproduction and bone health. Supplementing just 3mg of Melatonin at bedtime may benefit menopausal women by supporting and sustaining sleep and by supporting osteoblasts that support bone health.*
Immune and Antioxidant Support
Melatonin has strong antioxidant properties and helps support immune system strength.* As an antioxidant it is 6 to 10 times more potent than vitamin E and is one of the few antioxidants that can enter the mitochondria to protect it from free radical damage.* Taking from 3mg to as much as 100mg daily has been used clinically to augment superior immune surveillance and functionality of nearly all bodily antioxidant systems.*
Mood Support
Some people experience a depressed mood when the low sunlight levels (winter) are not sufficient for their pineal glands to decrease melatonin production to its normal low daytime level. Supplementing with just 3mg of Melatonin can support mood balance seasonally or in times of low mood.*
Protection from Chronic Low-level Radiation
Studies demonstrate that exogenous melatonin reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in all investigated animal tissues. Furthermore, in this study melatonin increases 30-day survival and protected against radiation enteritis. Melatonin protected healthy tissues from ionizing radiation. These protective effects were only documented when melatonin was administered prior to exposure to ionizing radiation.*
In human studies, oral melatonin uniformly protected cellular DNA from ionizing radiation from Cs137 or x-rays. This is thought to be related to a direct free radical scavenging effects. Melatonin is thought to have major potential to protect against increased long-term cancer risk in radiological imaging procedures, and to protect from radiation due to nuclear incidents.*
The best way to regenerate the body and stay healthy is to:
follow the natural environmental cues of light and dark from the sun.
sleep 8 hours solid without artificial light sources.
avoid exposure to artificial light, get full-spectrum lighting for light bulbs
avoid computers, TV, cell phone screens after sunset.
When the above behavior modifications are compromised, one should use Blue-Light protective glasses and melatonin.*
Each serving contains 3 mg of the highest quality synthetic Melatonin in a liposomal delivery system.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
A dietary supplement that promotes resilient homeostasis, deep restful sleep, provides pivotal support for core immune functions and balance, stimulates vital internal cell production of glutathione, and provides for enhanced repair after assorted types of radiation exposure.*
The level of melatonin produced by the body is heavily influenced by sunlight, sleep and artificial light. At night, the secretion of melatonin is much higher than during the day. When this process is interrupted, certain symptoms can occur such as: (a) disruptions in the sleep/wake cycle, (b) headaches, (c) mental and physical fatigue and (d) irritability.*